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Sharing on 11th July, 2024 at DataScience SG ( DSSG )

Hi all! Thanks to those who came to my analytics sharing on the Singapore public housing resale market on 11th July, 2024. For those who couldn’t make it, attached is the “dashboard” that updates daily from data from Those interested can see the trend charts here.

For now, while I created 4 charts showing different aspects of our Singapore public housing resale market, this is the insight that intrigues me the most - As recent as Jan 2020, about 70% of our Singapore public housing resale flats were sold at less than half a million SGD. As of June 2024, the numbers have totally flipped, and about 70% of our Singapore public housing resale flats sold at half a million SGD or more. I am definitely curious how our overall Singapore public housing resale flat prices will be like in the near future.

In addition, the rising percentage of million dollar public resale homes is a bit worrying too, rising from less than 1% in Jan 2020, to easily around 2-4% during H1 2024. That said, this percentage of million dollar public resale homes is still a small percentage of overall public resale homes sold in Singapore. I am personally curious how this percentage will trend in the coming months and years.

At the end of the day, I want more varied angles to our Singapore public housing resale market that I don’t see from mainstream media outlets. And since I have built this for myself, I am thinking it costs me little to release it to the general Singapore public as well. So friends, feel free to come back to this “dashboard” to review these numbers with me, or share with anyone interested to understand these different views to our Singapore public resale housing market. I promise to share more updates or newer analyses in the near future!

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